May 04, 2007

His name is Carpenter after all

Congratulations today to the Ed Carpenter who snagged not one but two major sponsors in Hitachi Power Tools and Lowe's (Lowe's!) Home Improvement. gives the impression that all that talk of home improvement by Ed helped seal the deal. Check out his new paint scheme.

It seems the sponsorship for the Notorious ECG is just for the Month of May, but hey it beats nothing. Well, maybe not entirely since that grey and sky blue color scheme he'd been running this year was pretty sweet. But the Hitachi Green will work fine as well.


  1. I know that green used to be considered an "unlucky" color in racing. But it's been working for TK. So, here's to ya, Ed.

    By-the-way, do you ever emails new sponsors to thank them for investing in the IRL? I do. Does that make me nerdy?

  2. I don't think that makes you nerdy. I do the same thing. Or, perhaps we're both nerdy!


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