March 20, 2008

My viewing is enhanced

Looks like there's a promising replacement this year for The Indy Insider called "Up To Speed", and to paraphrase Helio Castroneves, "THEES EES WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!!"

I about fell over when she asked Arni "Are you mad that I took your job?"

You can check out the new of which she speaks here.


  1. does this mean that the rumors of arni to n word are true???

  2. Arni's going to be Butler Blue's new coach.

    (j/k, Arni)

  3. Where did they get this girl?? Is she related to someone??

  4. Was that Dago Yellow or Day Glo Yellow for Tony's step son?

  5. Ok, one negative about the new site already. I hate auto-start videos! You're sitting there at work, trying to look productive and stuff and all of a sudden BAM!!! A video starts and blows your cover. I hate it on, and I hate it on the new The rest of the site looks pretty good, though.

  6. IMPOSTOR! Where is Arni? I am mad that she took his gig, even if he isn't. Black Day.

  7. Just looked at the new website and noticed Wheldon's lackluster hair for this season. Now that he's married, has he given up on being Captain Hairdo? Perhaps he passed the baton to Jay Howard.

  8. She is pretty hot, but she needs to study some more. I am looking forward to seeing the flourescent Menards car again. Where's Glidden??? Give me Miller High Life, Pennzoil, Domino's, Quaker State, Copenhagen, Kraco, Marlboro, Hardees, and Skoal on these sidepods again!!!

  9. Why not both Arni and Lauren?

    Arni was hysterical. Lauren is adorable.

    If we can have 26 cars at Homestead, we can have both making videos.

  10. The host Lauren does a great job but I will miss the hard hitting, first fast and factual style of the kid from last year. I hope he shows up from time to time.

    A quick google of Lauren revealed her web page with her resume'. it is impressive.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I saw her resume as well...

    Anyone who has anything to do with Barret-Jackson Classic Car auction is OK in my book!

  13. What's up with us having to pay for in-car race control now on!?!

    That sucks.

  14. Now we have to wait 12 more years for a merger between Up to Speed and The Indy Insider!


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