Nicknames and Knick Knacks

Posted by Iannucci | 2/25/2007 | 2 comments »
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First off, I realize that I seem to be flipping around driver nicknames like they were Sean Combs. I admit I'm trying to find something that sticks for these folks and while I pretty much do this on my own I always appreciate feedback.

As I said before: I'm trying to discern something about each driver to make them a bit more memorable and personal to the casual fan. If the league won't market these talents then I gladly and imperfectly will do my part.

OK, that said...after at least 10 uniterupted minutes of contemplation I am flipping Tony Kannan back to El Nariz. Since Stallone had to go and make a movie about and old Rocky, I thought that was the wrong message about Kanaan. He's far from washed up, and his nose is his thing.

And after numerous complaints about his long-standing, weather-related nickname I have finally figured out a better nickname for my fellow Phoenician. Due to his penchant for both "lead sleds" and the flatbill cap, I realized he's slowly morphing into former Monster Garage host (and current Mr. Sandra Bullock) Jesse James.

Speaking of tough guys, Jeff Simmons (who still needs a nickname) appears to be barely getting by these days. I mean, the guy has lost the shirt off his back. Yikes!


  1. pressdog // February 27, 2007 8:31 AM  

    maybe The Terminator for Simmons given the shades.

  2. Jennifer Coomer // February 28, 2007 3:39 PM  

    Whoa, Simmons is hot!