Do They Make Big Sunglasses?

Posted by Iannucci | 9/05/2006 | 0 comments »
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From the ever-fascinating world of sponsorship roulette, Dreyer & Reinbold has announced that Ophthonix will serve as the primary sponsor for Sarah Fisher and the #5 entry at Chicagoland next weekend.

Fastenal is so yesterday.

Besides having a hellacious tongue-twister of a name, Ophthonix “is developing exceptional vision assessment and correction technologies to greatly enhance visual acuity.” I know I get a little silly with words, but whoever wrote the press release needs to take a lesson in pun-reduction.

IndyCar season's final race of 2006 promises to be an exciting and widely viewed competition. It will be a great introduction for Ophthonix and its transformational iZon Eyeglasses to fans across the nation. iZon Eyeglasses provide consumers with high definition vision.
Oh, how clever.