Just For Johnny Livengood

Posted by Iannucci | 9/13/2006 | 2 comments »
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For those who haven’t had the time to read every single item on My Name Is IRL, Johnny Livengood is a frequent commenter on stories about his favorite driver. I’ll let you look at his MySpace site and figure out who that driver is.

Anyhow, if you haven’t gotten enough saturation of yesterday’s unveiling of “The Batmobile”, click here for a link to video of the rainy drive through Chicago. It was probably due to the inclement weather, but Mrs Hospenthal did not look very happy behind the wheel.

See, money can't buy happiness.

The link also has video interviews with the driver, the boss and a Motorola rep, who talks about how Danica! is “changing the rules of the game of the sport she operates in”. Other than Robby Gordon’s complaint about her near weightlessness, I’m not really sure what Fudge Brownie this poor lady is talking about.


  1. Anonymous // September 13, 2006 1:21 PM  

    Livengood! Holla! Johnny rules.

  2. Anonymous // October 16, 2006 10:48 PM  

    This is absolutely amazing.. How did I just notice this... lol