Well, now we know what Danica! will have under the tree this Christmas. A press release for the upcoming season of America Chopper contained the following tidbit.
Besides the production bike build-off between Paul Jr. and Paul Sr., some of the other builds featured in the new episodes on TLC include an Indy racing-inspired bike with Danica Patrick for GoDaddy.com and a Peavey Amps chopper.I mean no offense, but is she even big enought to ride a chopper? I guess we shall find out.
While we all eagerly await this exciting episode, remember Mrs. Hospenthal has some outstanding tips for keeping your car in top shape this winter. Her #1 tip? Check the antifreeze, of course.
My favorite tip is to keep the gas tank half-full. This is very important, especially when driving in Michigan.
It just keeps getting more bizarre.
Doesn't the line ". . . WITH Danica Patrick FOR GoDaddy.com," lead you to believe the bike will be sitting in GoDaddy's headquarters and not Danica's garage?