Season’s Greetings and I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas yesterday. I know I did, because my father-in-law got tickets for my oldest daughter – now known as “P1” – and I to go to Indy this year (woo-hoo!) and my wife and mom teamed up for some Bondurant gift certificates (WOOO-HOOO!).
Yes friends, I’m not anything close to a “real driver” but the sponsorship came through and I scored myself a ride…kinda sorta. I have several options but I think I might take a few hours out and lap the oval at PIR this February. Mash gas, turn left, repeat...right? Hey, they got a SAFER barrier so wall-avoidance is merely a secondary concern.
One weird note: my wife said the Bondurant sales rep recognized my name because he reads this site! Wow, was that humbling (although apparently not humbling enough to give her a discount). Still, it’s great to know there are actual IndyCar fans out there who take the time to read this stuff, because I would hate to think Pressdog and MoneyCJ were just making up identities and leaving comments to make me feel good.
Anyhow, this is my way of saying thanks for reading and sharing the love here – even the disagreeing kind. It’s all welcome all the time, and as a fan stuck in the desert the discussions are always appreciated.
OK, enough mush. Back to actual news.
The Right Man For the Job
Well, my self-imposed sabbatical didn’t last very long. Under normal
circumstances, this would have been my next day to post anyway. I was
certainly not pl...
1 day ago
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