Parade series invades Phoenix

Posted by Iannucci | 3/07/2007 | 2 comments »
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Look what I have to deal with since the IRL left the Valley of the Sun.

It’s bad enough the CCWS plans it’s course downtown next to a Maricopa County dispatch center. And it’s bad enough they had to send out cars for noise testing because America’s Toughest Sheriff threatened to stop the race if it got too loud. But they had to do the testing on a Tuesday, causing traffic issues all over the place.

Way to tick off the locals, Parade series.

Here is some less-than-exciting footage, which includes a minivan rolling between two Champ Cars. Boy if that isn’t a priceless image then I don’t know what is.

At any rate, the Arizona Republic reports they passed the noise test and are full steam ahead to race here on December 2nd, assuming they get some sponsors and teams together in time.

"We couldn't hear any of the noise," Sherrif Joe Arpaio said after the tests. "However, when you have 20 cars racing out there, it might be a little different."
Twenty cars for a Champ Car race? Yeah, right.


  1. pressdog // March 07, 2007 1:59 PM  

    It's painfully obvious to me that you have Champ Car Fever and that you are a huge, huge fan of Unbreakable Legge. Admitting it is the first step to dealing with it. I'll watch the race just to see if sheriff Sunshine actually comes out and stops the race, preferably via firing shots into the air from his ivory-handled pistols.

  2. Anonymous // March 10, 2007 8:45 AM  

    Wow, that race is scheduled for December 2?

    Maybe they can combine it with A1 GP and get 6-9 cars there by that time...