This past Saturday, Pressdog noted some interesting quotes from Dan Wheldon.
Pre-race: "I got rid of a big distraction Friday evening."
Post-race: "I got something out of the way Friday that's been bugging me."
So what was it Wheldon was talking about? The intrepid Curt Cavin asked him after the race...and got nowhere.
I'm still not sure what he meant, and he isn't saying. Here's what he said today when we spoke on the phone.Later Cavin updated his blog further.
"It's personal," he said.
I asked if it had anything to do with racing, but he held his ground.
"I always tell you what's going on, but this is personal," he said. "I had something to clear up, and I did that. (Referencing it on TV) was my way of making a point."
I pushed him every which way during a telephone interview on Monday, but he wouldn't budge, insisting it was a "personal" situation. But he made it clear that he used his media time to make a point to someone.Great. So now Dan is using his precious media time - in Victory Lane - to make a personal shout out dissing some peeps.
It's probably good to know he got rid of a "distraction" that had been "bugging him", but the mind boggles at what on eath this could have been.
• A girlfriend
• A lecherous relative
• An embezzling accountant
• Two girlfriends
• A mole near his collar
• Memories of an alien abduction
• Contractual sponsorship with Ben Gay
• A bunch of girls who wanted Marco's phone number
• Hemorrhoids
We may never know the story behind these comments, but we can all rest easy knowing Dan won't be driving angry anymore.
um, lame, Dan. If it's so personal, don't bring it up on TV, twice. My personal (har) theory was he was mad at Goodyear for saying he might be beatable this year and had to stick it in his face by getting the pole. Either that or maybe Hornish or someone dissed him and he cleared it up by winning the pole. No idea. But, continue to speak in code before and after the race. That's not insulting to fans or anything.
Dudes, it was patently obvious that that was directed toward a woman. I, for one, thought it was pretty awesome that he rubbed her face in it.
(uhm...I just recently got dumped...I'm not bitter or anything like that...)
Single and ready to mingle,
the gecko cracked me up. i almost snorted in public.
that was so wrong of him to say that and then not tell us. i was yelling at the t.v., "what do you mean???? did you break off your secret affair with jamie little? or your secret affair with helio's sister?"
I've seen enough pictures of him with girls hanging off of him to think that it's a woman.
that's my vote, in case we're voting.
--john clerk
he broke up with his girlfriend of a couple months, maggie on friday.