Hey, it's all Milka Duno all week long.
Check out this video of her training here in town at the Bondurant school as you can ride in the passenger seat, watching as Milkalicious learns proper breaking technique and and chats up the camera in her most charming Charo impersonation.
But after checking all the Duno press recently it needs to be asked: does this lady only own one shirt? I know she has all these engineering degrees, but from what I can tell she's gone the Einstein route and has a closet full of the same outfit.
The Right Man For the Job
Well, my self-imposed sabbatical didn’t last very long. Under normal
circumstances, this would have been my next day to post anyway. I was
certainly not pl...
5 days ago
Milka Fever bustin' out. Kahn-zahs is buzzing. Everyone is all atwitter.
Hate the sponsor, love the girl. Oh, the dilemma!