Iron Chef Scheckter

Posted by Iannucci | 6/19/2007 | 5 comments »
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In a recent promotional event for the upcoming race at Watkins Glen, Tomas Scheckter bested Scott Dixon in an IndyCar version of Iron Chef. (This pretty means they took two drivers and asked them to cook some dinner.) Not too sure what the “secret ingredient” was for the contest, but judging from the food they produced it was not “donuts”.

According to, Scheckter’s winning meal consisted of grilled flank steak with cream of mushroom sauce, grilled asparagus marinated in soy sauce, grilled shrimp accented with lemon juice, boiled and fried new potatoes seasoned with rosemary and garlic, and chocolate-covered strawberries with powdered sugar.

Hmm. Looks like he didn't cook Marco Andretti's goose. Curious.

The victory must have tasted sweet (sorry) as it was The Wrecker’s first win of any kind since 2005. Said Scheckter after the victory, “Chairman-san, I came here with one goal: To humiliate Iceman in a large stadium. I believe I've done that.”

OK, he didn’t really say that. But he should have.


  1. Jennifer Coomer // June 19, 2007 11:41 AM  

    After finding out that he can cook my infatuation with Sheckter had grown exceptionally.

  2. Jennifer Coomer // June 19, 2007 11:42 AM  

    And that is why I don't get invited to your "boy talk" about the series. Because I'm a SWF who gets to have crushes on the drivers. Except for the ones who have boobs. And that does not include Super Tex.

  3. Iannucci // June 19, 2007 11:58 AM  

    No offense but three's company and four is a cluster-something-or-other. It would just be too much chaos.

    I hear there's an opening on "The View" though. ;)

  4. Anonymous // June 19, 2007 12:18 PM  

    anyone who likes Graeter's (and I bet Izzy's too) is okay in my book,,,well I don't have a book

  5. Anonymous // June 23, 2007 4:41 AM  

    Maybe White Castle scared him!