From a Q&A with AJ Foyt in the Richmond Times-Dispatch:
Q: How do an Englishman (driver Darren Manning) and a Texan communicate?He eats hot dogs for breakfast, he gets along with "foreign people", and he refers to himself in the third person. We may have to start a "Foyt in '08" Presidential campaign soon.
A: I always got along with foreign people. And even though I went over there and raced, I just don't like the way they eat and the food they eat. And wearing a necktie at breakfast, that just ain't A.J. Foyt. It might be Mario Andretti, but it ain't me. I'm just A.J. If I want to eat breakfast, I want to wear a T-shirt. I might have a hot dog, I might have eggs. I don't believe in tuxedos and ties. It's just like putting me in jail when I have one on.
Here here re the Draft AJ campaign!
Funny story--when I was at the Flag Room Lounge (the bar at the Brickyard Crossing motel thingy), my bartender walked me over to the dining room to show me where A.J eats during the month of May. He has his own table, and he eats there breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Apparently, the staff knows exactly what to serve him, so there are no menus involved. Also, if you ask him for an autograph while he is eating you will get a beat-down, FYI...any other time, you're good. Just not during the meal.
If he had used any phrase other than "foreign people" I would have been let down. That just wouldn't be AJ.
if you the indy 500 four times, you can eat whatever the F you want for breakfast, as far as I am concerned.