Someone had to ask

Posted by Iannucci | 8/21/2007 | 1 comments »
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Given all the recent frothing that Mrs Hospenthal may soon make a trip to Victory Lane, Cam Inman of the Contra Costa Times decided to ask her to recall specifically the last time she won a race.

"Oh I don't know. Jeez," Patrick said, drifting off into deep thought. "Not in the Indy circuit these three years. Not in the (Toyota) Atlantic circuit (from 2003-04). Gosh, the last time I was first was in a pro-celebrity race forever ago in Long Beach (in 2002), and that was not a real race."
No wonder she seems unhinged lately.

UPDATE: Here's something she can win. Sorta.


  1. Anonymous // August 21, 2007 5:33 PM  

    Nope, sorry. She couldn't even win that, either.