Crazy Mad Jack

Posted by Iannucci | 9/17/2007 | 6 comments »
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Oh those wacky lads and lasses in the British Press. They’re just not happy unless they can sell some newspapers with outrageous hypothetical news, preferably invoking the name of David Beckham, of course. The Daily Record obliges.

SCOTS race ace Dario Franchitti has been tipped to rake in more cash than David Beckham after becoming the first Scot to win the IndyCar series.

The 34-year-old could pocket more than £130million in America after his historic victory last week, sports agents have predicted.

It would beat the £128million David Beckham is believed to be picking up through his five-year deal with LA Galaxy.
Breaking out my handy dandy conversion chart it looks like that would be around 260 Meeeelion Dollars, and according to The Scotsman, Mr Judd is now “expected” to rake in this kind of insane income.

RACING champion Dario Franchitti is set to out-earn David Beckham and become one of America's richest sport stars.

The Bathgate driver became the first Scot to win the IndyCar series and he is now expected to collect more than £130 million in winnings and endorsements.
Riiiiight. He’s got charm, wit, good looks, a movie star wife, an Indy 500 win, and a killer brogue - a fantastic spokesman for nearly any sponsor. But while he may get a substantial increase in compensation this year wherever he drives, Dario isn't going to be making Beckham-type money even if he changes his last name to "Beckham". Or "Earnhardt".


  1. Anonymous // September 17, 2007 10:55 AM  

    This is an old (olde?) "Hollywood" trick---trying to make perception into reality. The only person in the UK who's ever gotten Beckham money is Beckham. This is a bunch of agents spreading rumors with the goal of trying to start a bidding war to get his money up wherever he decides to go next year, which could well be determined by the money he's ultimately offered.

  2. Johnny // September 17, 2007 11:07 AM  

    Dario isn't going to be making Beckham-type money even if he changes his last name to "Beckham". Or "Earnhardt".


  3. Anonymous // September 17, 2007 11:31 AM  

    Whoa, Scotsman....I know you're proud of Dario and all....but let's not write moronic shit, mkay? Thanks.

  4. Anonymous // September 17, 2007 12:34 PM  

    Wait, now Turncoatti is making more quid than Beckham? I know the Dollar has taken a beating against the Pound, but REALLY!

    What's next, The Magnificent Ashley a Page Three Girl?

  5. Anonymous // September 17, 2007 12:36 PM  

    I could get more dates if I had Dario's accent. Just saying...

  6. pressdog // September 17, 2007 1:13 PM  

    Clearly, these people have been doing shots of single-malt all day.