Will Buddy throw Rice?

Posted by Iannucci | 9/06/2007 | 2 comments »
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Sarah Fisher checks in with her (sorta) weekly column for ESPN.com, saying that lately she’s been tanning and planning in avid preparation for “more wedding crap”. Of note near the end:

The offseason is two weeks from now, after the wedding and after Hawaii. I'm excited to continue to build and grow our program for 2008.
Hmm. Gotta wonder after her comments a few weeks ago if “our program” is inclusive of Dreyer & Reinbold. Don't see D&R mentioned anywhere in that sentence.

Also, do you think she’s booked the Indy limo for this occasion?


  1. Puretone Audio // September 06, 2007 7:43 PM  

    You can probably count on Sarah being three-four seconds slower down the aisle...

  2. Johnny // September 07, 2007 5:30 AM  

    Haha, *zing*.