Remember this from a few days ago from our buddy pressdog?
CDC Investigates Outbreaks of N-Virus
Well, umm, apparently it may in fact be kinda true. Who knew?
House aides visiting racetrack advised to get immunized...can't...stop...LAUGHING....
McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON --NASCAR fans might seem rabid, but are they actually contagious?
Getting a hepatitis shot is standard procedure for travelers to parts of Africa and Asia, but some congressional aides were instructed to get immunized before going to Lowe's Motor Speedway in Concord and the racetrack in Talladega, Ala.
(MORE from the Charlotte Observer)
Boogity *cough* Boogity *cough* Boogity *cough*
I always figured the nascar RV fans never emptied their vehicles' septic systems in accordance with State and Federal regulations. Visions of Cousin Eddie from 'Christmas Vacation'...
Speaking of hepatitis, nothing will ever top the horror I felt at going up the river, ahem, into the middle of the crowd, at the Kid Rock show on Carb Day...and that was after the "Rock n' Roll Jesus" nearly ran us over in his golf cart in the F1 parking area...
Just another indication that its perfectly "okay" to stereotype Southern folks.
Actually it was part of a comprehensive disaster recovery and response drill that also encompassed detention centers and front line medical facilities. The whole thing was blown way out of proportion by Drudge and the lazy MSM who follow his lead. In the original article, read what the AL (READ AS "SOUTHERN") authorities had to say about it, which was almost universally positive. I was born and will die a Southerner and this isn't offensive in the least.