Mr Wheldon has finally set the record just as straight as his teeth.
"I'm going to be married pretty soon, so as my responsibility of fiancée I thought it might be wise to go to the dentist. It's quite a funny story. When I first turned up at the dentist, the guy first got me in the chair; he's a great guy, Dr. (Jerrold) Resnick. I sat down in the chair and he quite calmly said to me, 'So, when was the last time you were at the dentist?' I said, 'I think in nineteen ninety...'OUCH! If you can endure that kind of torture then I promise not to say another word about your supernova-white choppers, big guy. For now.
"At that point he just shook his head and said, 'OK, don't tell me any more.' After doing a quick cleaning and a scan of what was needing to be done, I asked him about a tooth that stuck out. And he said, 'Why don't we just fix your whole mouth? And I said, 'Sure, absolutely.'
"But I didn't realize actually the pain that I was going to go through. I've been to the dentist four or five times (since), and the least time I've been in the chair at one of those appointments is 6½ hours. So it's been a lot of work but he's done a great job. It's still not finished. I still have to go two more times."
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However, four five appointments lasting at least six hours each only serves to confirm my suspicion that the
I think Dan looks frightening. Perhaps he's beginning to look a little too Danica.
or as Dan would say
I have a really bad feeling why Danny-boy had his choppers fixed.
When he goes to N-word next year (to be replaced by Alex Lloyd), he wants to take the "N-word heartthrob" title from Kasey Kahne.
Imagine all those Allstate commercials with those women in the Durango chasin' little Danny Well-done! =:^o