As a public service

Posted by Iannucci | 3/25/2008 | 6 comments »
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Now that the site has been updated (and thanks to those folks for resisting the urge to make the video automatically start so it crashes everybody's computers) a few folks have been asking where in the world the Timing and Scoring went. I don't know where they moved it, but you can still find working versions here or here.

This racing geek has got your back.


  1. Anonymous // March 25, 2008 12:21 PM  

    I have a question - is anyone else getting a blank right side of the main page on the new site? The black and white vertical columns are there, but nothing is filled in - I only see pictures, text, etc. on the left side of the screen. Just curious if anyone else is having this problem?? (other pages seem to be ok)

    Also, if you're looking for something, try going to the site map and look for it there - things are way easier to find.

  2. EnsErmac // March 25, 2008 12:38 PM  

    Timing and Scoring can be found at Stats -> Timing and Scoring

  3. John in Speedway // March 25, 2008 1:25 PM  

    Now, the Live timing and scoring link is on the main page. The stats link appears to only take you to previous reports. It appears as if will put the link on the main page whenever there are cars on track. I think I was being too impatient.

  4. Anonymous // March 25, 2008 5:12 PM  

    Calsuzie, I'm also not seeing anything on the right side of the site.

    I'm not sure I like the "One Series. All the Stars" slogan. Even though unification is the best thing to happen in a very long time, I think the slogan will start to feel stale once unification isn't the main headline anymore. I can't see using it beyond this season.

  5. Anonymous // March 25, 2008 7:35 PM  


    I discovered that you have to update to Internet Explorer 7 in order to see the site correctly. Once I did that, now it comes up correctly.

    I agree on the slogan. I liked the one Chris Estrada came up with at Indy Racing Revolution, at least for this year, "I am Indy, we are one".

  6. Anonymous // March 26, 2008 7:06 AM  

    You made that up, with Marty Roth at the top of the timing & scoring sheet...


    or does Milka have a serious shot at not qualifying dead last?