And we thought Japanese drivers had interesting names.
Trying to make his mark in motorsport, rookie A1 Team India driver Parthiva Sureshwaren is planning to take a plunge into the popular American IndyCar racing next year.Hey, at least he isn't talking about the N-word.
"I have kept an open mind about F1, it's not the end of all thing. I am planning to go for the Formula V6 Asian championship this year and the American IndyCar racing next year. And once you go into the American racing, you stay there for your career."
(MORE from Hindu News)
really is a cool thing
F1 might be the big deal but unless you get lucky your only there a few years. You can still make a career in Indy car.
just what the fans want. Jesus.
Why do you not approve, whoever said it's "just what the fans want?" This doesn't seem that different from Arie Luyendyk coming to the US to build a career. If the guy might actually be committed to an IndyCar career, and opposed to stopping in on his way to F1, what's the problem?
The best part is the comment about staying with IndyCar for your career. He doesn't see it as a stepping stone. This is good. Even though his name is hard to pronounce, if he becomes a regular in the series, he'll get a nickname. Since he's from India, he probably sounds like he is British when he speaks. In India, they learn the British form of the English language.
tabernerus: Maybe he is saying that fans want a drivers names Jesus (pronounced Hey-Soos).