America is undoubtedly the greatest land in the world, and Americans are among the most compassionate and generous people in history. And now another challenge arises for us to band together and help those less fortunate during The Month of May.
Friends, if you have it in your hearts then please donate today to ease the pain of those suffering in the faraway land of Gasoline Alley.
INDIANAPOLIS, IN. – Sarah Fisher Racing (SFR) today announced that they would be accepting donations from fans wishing to donate to the SFR efforts at this year’s Indianapolis 500.For just a few dollars a day you too can help provide a vital gallon of ethanol for a beautiful yet starving young Dallara. Give today and help make an important difference in the lives of families for whom bumping and underfunding are daily realities. Don't let that Honda engine go hungry one more day.
“We have had so many emails and calls from fans requesting to donate to our efforts this year,” said Sarah Fisher. “I’m truly honored to have the support of so many fans. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for your support.”
All checks made out to Sarah Fisher Racing can be sent to the below address.
David A. Noyes & Co.
Attn: Sarah Fisher Racing (SFR)
111 Monument Circle, Suite 300
Indianapolis IN 46204
UPDATE: With slightly more seriousness the IndyStar says "Maybe Fisher needs a collection agency" while Full Throttle looks a little further into what Sarah faces "dealing with deadbeats".
My idea WAAAAY back, which I shared with the team, was to make some killer, exclusive T-shirts. They say "FISHER FAN" on the back or something. Then sell them for $50. Proceeds go to the team. Every fan gets his or her name on the car in tiny print. WHEN will the genius be recognized?
Oh, shoot. My name on an IndyCar? I'd buy that shirt in a hot second and I'm not, necessarily, a Sarah fan. I paid way more than that to have my dogs name put on Andrew Prendeville's Best Friends Animal Society hauler.
I wonder how much help Sarah is getting and if it will be enough.
I hope she gets into Indy. Don't know who would want to sponsor someone that doesn't qualify. I wonder if that was part of the "Handshake Deal".
Daddy likes the picture of Sarah that was with the story above
why in the world she doesn't have a sponsor is beyond me. after she qualifies some company will jump at the chance I think to sponsor her.
Thanks for the link Jeff. Tomaso let me know you had a post up on the subject but until know I haven't had time to come over this way.
I, too, would buy that shirt!
I did send ResQ an email.
I emailed ResQ as well. You can, too at