He’s back, though in a slower car.
Frenchman Franck Perera, who began the season in the IndyCar Series, will return to the track in the Firestone Indy Lights for the remainder of the 2008 season with Guthrie Racing, completing the team's four-car lineup.That’s a nice attitude for Franckie to have but he should be aware there are about 25 or so other drivers in that series thinking the same thing. Holding back a little here and there wouldn’t be such a bad thing, unless of course he wants to become a win occasionally but crash more occasionally driver like Jamie Camara. Yeah, Jamie’s the guy who replaced Perera, but that was after three-plus years in the feeder series. My guess is Franck isn’t seeking an extended stay in the IRL minor leagues.
The 23-year-old native of Montpellier, France will drive the No. 55 Guthrie Racing machine beginning at the June 10 Iowa Open Test as a teammate to current Guthrie Racing drivers Sean Guthrie, Logan Gomez and Micky Gilbert.
"I'm not really focusing on the title at this stage. I'm just looking at it race by race so I will not be holding back at any of the races. I hope to get some wins on the road courses since that's where my experience lies, but I plan on being right up there in the front on ovals as well after I get some more practice."
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You can’t deny the kid showed skills in the IndyCar series earlier this year, but now would be a good time for Perera to recall the immortal words of Vitor Meira after Fronkensteen’s indiscretion took both of them out likely Top 5 finishes at St Pete: “Look how fast you are now, dude.”
I still think it's one of the greatest quotes I can remember.
Franck has no business being in the IndyCar Series.
These folks should be in the ICS ahead of Franck : Wade Cunningham, Alex Lloyd !!