Word from TMZ indicates the world’s most exposed IndyCar driver may have a bit of a lead foot on the streets. Try to act shocked.
Danica Patrick isn't just dangerous behind the wheel of an Indy car, cops say she also posed a threat on the mean streets of Scottsdale, Ariz.
Court docs which show the race car diva was popped by Scottsdale P.D. back in January for doing 57 in a 40 mph zone. But here's the kicker -- Danica was ordered to take defensive driving school to get the ticket dismissed!
57 in a 40 – that’s it? Oh the shame Mrs Hospenthal must have felt while the driving class. 57 for a race car driver - that's not even a warmup lap. I mean, even a hack like your humble host has been busted for exceeding that, although my insurer will gladly confirm that was some time ago.
Here for your enjoyment is a dramatic portrayal of Danica’s run-in with the law, incredibly filmed years before the actual event.
The Right Man For the Job
Well, my self-imposed sabbatical didn’t last very long. Under normal
circumstances, this would have been my next day to post anyway. I was
certainly not pl...
1 day ago
There must be no new vajayjay or underwear flashing by young skanks, er, starlets going on for TMZ to pick that up.
And on that note, how ironic that the subject of Mrs. Hospenthal brings the first comment on My Name is IRL featuring the word vajayjay. ;-)
I must admit I don't know what that word means, and I'm a little afraid to look it up in the Urban Dictionary.
Heh! I'm scared to look anything up in Urban Dictionary. I'm afraid of the words I might learn by accident!
I will say, that I will be "on location" tomorrow! Should be a blast trying to actually get to the freaking place! They ramp you for 15 bucks a day, to get there. Thanks Detroit!
Do you know if the 17 over was in the Mercedes SUV, the Lambo, or Mr. Hospenthal's Civic?
And as for having to take a defensive driving class, I think Danica! could teach the other students a thing or two about keeping faster cars behind you when they try to pass.
Just sayin'
17 over. The Princess is slipping. Heck, members of the Unser family go 17 over pulling out of the driveway! Bobby and Al Sr. don't even consider pulling over for less than 30 over!
Well. I went to the Urban Dictionary. Got the definition of vajayjay. I don't think I'm going to go to that site again.
17 over isn't even respectable speeding. I KNOW Mrs. Hospenthal can do better than that. Maybe.
Mrs. Hospenthal. The Princess. Your reinforcing the stereotype of bloggers being failed journalist(s) or just smart-a$$ hacks.
Do you grasp the concept that the name of this blog would be "MY NAME IS THE ALMS" if the stick & ball media didn't latch onto the Danica story?
No one gave a damn about bad looking spec cars running in circles (unless it was the end of May in Indianapolis). A pole for Sarah Fisher @ Kentucky did nothing to launch the female angle.
Do you have a Detroit media pass... lots going on @ Belle Isle this weekend... yet you focus on some BS court date? She ran in the top 5 on Friday & outperformed the 3rd coming (Marco) & the Honda $$$ driver. All this after her numerous local media commitments. Yeah, what a princess... talkin' to those little people in the Detroit Media & posting Top 10's.
I heard Milka Donuts got pulled over in Miami for 15 MPH over the limit... she was going 17MPH over... but the car was stepping out , she got spooked & backed out of the gas! ( Just like most race weekends). She got off with a warning... the cop couldn't stand were whiny & shreaking voice.
Hey, I appreciate that you took the time to visit the site, but why don't you read this, this or even this before you give me the drive-by tongue lashing for poking a little fun at Danica Patrick. Sheesh.
I always get a kick out of the thin-skinned Danica fans who get their little noses out of joint at anything that is anything said about her that is less than mindless fan-wank.
Oooh yay! She was 5th fastest in practice! Let's throw her a parade!
Give me a frackin' break.
"Welcome to Arizona, please drive like Marty Roth is in front of you."
That hot lady pulled over by the equally hot cop gag was first done in The Cannonball Run, by Hal Needham.