You remember Mr Judd has returned to being an IndyCar driver, right? He'll be back, and he'll be driving one of those super duper Target entries, but even with that ahead of him we'll never know what kind of lasting psychological damage he has from his trying year in stock car racing. I'm not talking about his leg injury, I'm referring to...well, what's with the Elvis look? Is this an attempt to reconnect with his inner Sam Hornish Jr or what?
And yes, sadly this interviewer has "Dare-ee-oh, rhymes with stereo" syndrome.
Random Thoughts on the FOX IndyCar Telecast
Now that I have sort of semi-retired from here, I can write about what I
want to write about instead of what I’m supposed to write about. Today, I’d
3 days ago
I actually like this more than the NED-ish look he had last year. A hell of a lot better...
I'm glad Dario is back, but PLEASE tell me that annoying wife of his stayed in Tintopland. Pretty please?
Hang a gold chain around his neck & he would look like a 70's porn star.