If Danica! gets a speeding ticket (it's paid off now) it's a fun little news story, but does it really deserve FOUR headlines at the Indianapolis Star?
And people wonder why newspapers are struggling for readers. Sheesh.
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1 day ago
Two comments -
1. It's obviously a VERY slow off-season, and
2. IndyStar needs to get a life. Other than Danica!'s.
Maybe they need to change their name to DanicaStar.
That's beyond poor. Somewhere, Michael Knight is pounding his head against the keyboard.
I'd rather watch paint dry than read about "Mrs. Onewin Becauseof Fuel".
Honestly. does anyone really care?
It is really BREAKING NEWS that a racecar driver got caught speeding?
Not like its an ex-football player that killed his ex wife, got away with it, only to hold a man at gun point..... now that's news!
As a lifelong Indianapolis resident, I can honestly say that the Star blows goats and has for years. It doesn't surprise me in the least that they would harp on this instead of what's really important. With sincerest apologies to Curt Cavin, the Star is a joke.
I agree with all of the other posters that this much coverage is overkill. Still, Princess Romper-Stomper getting a second ticket and going to driving school like a sixteen year old girl caught going ten over in mom's SUV is comic relief indeed.
If she keeps this up, I figure by the time Jeff's eldest daughter gets her first speeding ticket, Danica! may be in her class.
I'm surprised that although you referred to Mrs Hospenthal as "Mrs. Onewin Becauseof Fuel", you missed the opportunity to note the irony of her two speeding tickets this year. Clearly she's not conserving OFF the track.
Irony savored.
On a totally unrelated note, it warms my heart that you use Firefox...
does anything she says or does warrant the hype and proliferation of headlines? um... no.
So why should this be any different?
(happy new year friend!)