Quote of the day

Posted by Iannucci | 6/01/2009 | 1 comments »
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“We had a $3 million contract with [the tourism board of Mexico City]. They paid me about $600,000 of the $3 million I was supposed to get. We tried to purse legal action in Mexico. As you can imagine, trying to sue a Mexican government agency in Mexico – pretty much they laughed at me.

“We had a $4 million deal [with a Mexican appliance and furnishing store] agreed to on a handshake. But over the course of time it took to do that, their stock fell 80 percent in four days...My wife hasn’t left me, my kids love me, so all the important things are still intact.”
- Tyler Tadevic, who went from shop sweeper to team owner, on the reasons his Pacific Coast Motorsports team is no more and why he he has to sell his house to help cover the debts.


  1. Anonymous // June 01, 2009 9:32 AM  

    That's so sad. I recall Tyler's great quote when he entered the series: "I'm all in with a pair of twos." I really hoped they would make it.