Enge + Duno = Wreckage

Posted by Iannucci | 7/12/2007 | 2 comments »
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This just in from the braintrust at TrackSide Online:

Tomas Enge had tested the SAMAX car earlier today. He then turned it over to Milka Duno and the word from the vicinity of Nashville (and other places) is she got loose and crashed. She is apparently ok.

We are now expecting the #23 will be withdrawn from this weekend's activities. That could change and it's not official, but is highly likely to happen.
See what happens when you have the car set up by a guy who has driven in one IndyCar race (in which he crashed) in the last two seasons? You were expecting track records perhaps?

Seriously, this whole Milka Duno experiment is fast becoming the Spinal Tap of motorsports - with exploding cars instead of drummers.


  1. Anonymous // July 12, 2007 3:50 PM  

    How about midgets dancing around her car? OR she gets lost on the way from the pits to the car?

  2. Jennifer Coomer // July 13, 2007 8:16 AM  

    And yet how many former 500 and Series Championship (or heck, even series race winners) are there out there how can't get a full time ride?