Buzzwords that kill trees

Posted by Iannucci | 3/06/2008 | 9 comments »
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Anyone else noticing this?

"It's highly unlikely that Portland will be on that schedule. But for 2009, our intention is to use a clean sheet of paper, evaluate all of the current Champ Car races and put the best schedule together we can." - Fred Nation (2/23/08)

"When you look ahead at the 2009 season, the schedule will probably be done with a clean sheet of paper." - Tony George (2/27/08)

"I think the beauty of the whole thing is we don't get to fully optimize unification in 2008...It's a great foundation, but as Tony mentioned we don't have a lot of flexibility. You can start optimizing unification on a much cleaner sheet of paper in 2009." - Brian Barnhart (3/5/08)

Maybe this is too much deduction, but I'd just like to point out that neither the "Georgia-Pacific IndyCar Series" nor the "Staples IndyCar Series" sounds very attractive.


  1. Anonymous // March 06, 2008 8:27 AM  


    Well, the next step is to "think outside the box" while the IRL "leverages" "brand identity" and "streamlines" its "processes" and uses its "synergy" with the former CCWS teams to "maximise customer value".

    What we really need is a "value added" series based on the "learnings" of the last twelve years.

    Perhaps Steve Carell can be our league spokesman. That or the Pointy Haired Boss from Dilbert

  2. Iannucci // March 06, 2008 8:36 AM  


    I can't "speak to that" type of "paradigm shift", but "going forward" the "fully integrated" series should produce an "highly innovative" and "customer-centric" product with enough "organic growth" to "take it to the next level".

    Otherwise, "it is what it is".

  3. Fred Hurley // March 06, 2008 8:45 AM  

    The Hammermill IndyCar Series? That one sounds ALMOST cool enough, until you remember that it's an office supply brand. :-)

  4. Johnny // March 06, 2008 8:56 AM  

    But will it be "top quartile" when their "strategic initiative" becomes their "new way of doing business."

  5. Allen Wedge // March 06, 2008 9:22 AM  


  6. The American Mutt // March 06, 2008 10:15 AM  

    This is unrelated, but I was wondering if anybody knows whether or not the Champ refugees will be considered rookies? Having absorbed the intangible assets (IE records) it seems to me that they can't be rookies.

  7. Jennifer Coomer // March 06, 2008 11:37 AM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  8. Jennifer Coomer // March 06, 2008 11:39 AM  

    In this, the day and age of Hollywood and Al Gore telling us to engage in Green/Carbon Neutral activities, I believe the Weyerhaeuser IndyCar Series would be a good “branding” that could help the sport “grow its business” in conjunction with the Ethanol Brand. But there is must to consider, “soup to nuts”.

  9. pressdog // March 06, 2008 3:22 PM  

    anyone else smell synergy?