Robin is saying today that Justin Wilson may soon be employed by Dale "checking the sofa cushions for" Coyne Racing. We'll see if this pans out but it's great to see the ultra-nice Wilson, who P1 endearingly refers to as "freakishly large", getting another opportunity. Although struggling with the ovals last year, he'd certainly be expected to be a factor on any course featuring right turns.
Additionally mentioned in the story is that Dale Coyne is also "working on several things" to pair Wilson with Bruno Junqueira, who managed to sneak a few Top 10 finishes last year when no one was looking. But most mind-shattering of all is that Junky "reportedly drove for no salary for Coyne the past two years".
Once more, with feeling: reportedly drove for no salary for Coyne the past two years!!!
I love writing for My Name Is IRL and I pretty much do it for free, but it's not like I could write a bad post and suddenly end up seriously injured. It's not like Meesh or Chris or pressdog or whoever could link my posts incorrectly and then I'm upside-down at 200 miles-per-hour. It's not like Blogger has an error and suddenly I'm on fire. It's not like my next typo could put me into the wall.
Driving for free isn't just commitment - that's either an addiction or an affliction. I'm sure other drivers have raced for free, but sheesh, two years without salary is...well, hamburgers and hot dogs.
Random Thoughts on the FOX IndyCar Telecast
Now that I have sort of semi-retired from here, I can write about what I
want to write about instead of what I’m supposed to write about. Today, I’d
3 days ago
Speaking as someone who's over an inch taller than Wislon--that freakishly large comment hurts a little. Not really though.
Trust me - Wilson patiently posing for pictures with P1 and P2 last year at Indy was a highlight for both of them. They LOVE the guy and are simply in awe of his height compared to most other drivers.
While I can't say I've been Justin's #1 fan, I can say that I have a certain spot for him being a fellow > 6 ft. guy with talent. ;)
I dunno what to say about Bruno racin' fer free (hopin' for prize money?)... very odd. Obviously he wanted to race and keep his hand in the game, but... (whew)
Justin, Justin, Justin... coming from NHL, Dale Coyne Racing ain't gonna advance his career. Better to race tin-tops or sports cars in raint Europe, I'd think...
I don't think he can afford to race free-of-charge after spending his earnings to repay his investors for years.
I'm not sure Bruno will have got absolutely nothing for it.. Surely he was at least was on a 'paid per point' scheme rather than a guaranteed salary?
Or as Brian says maybe he was just racing for prize money.
They get a purse regardless of placing don't they. It's not a lot, but surely it's enough to live on when you've got a team trailer to live and travel in.
I bet the "Bruno driving for free" thing was more of a case where Junky had a personal sponsor whose funds went into his pocket that allowed Dale not to pay him.
Not to forget that most of the Brazilian (nationality, not number) drivers who've come to the US to race weren't exactly impoverished at home. I doubt that Bruno would starve...not to mention that he was a salaried driver with both Ganassi and N/H/L before he hit the unemployment line prior to his DCR involvement.
Let's not forget that Junky was arrogant and cocky for quite awhile about being stuck with Coyne's less-then-stellar crew after this years at NewmanHaas, but now we can justify it by "I'm doing this for free, throw me a bone"
So now the former Indy polesitter, who's good on both roads and ovals, is back on my good side.
And yes great to see JW back. I pointed out a weeked ago that had a huge picture of JW on it's front page while he was unemployed!