One of the best parts about this site is the comments section, where you my dear 'anonymous' reader occasionally chastise me for not knowing as much about IndyCars as you do. Fair enough, but other than the satisfaction of being right what has it gotten you? In a word "nothing".
Today that changes, because there's someone out there willing to give you "something" for the trouble you have gone through by remembering everything there is to know about racing. Oh, it's not me - heavens no, I got no swag to hand out - but instead the good folks at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. All you need is a computer and a brain and the ability to type REALLYFAST.
IMS is kicking social networking up a notch by hosting trivia contests through not one, not two, but three (count 'em) outlets every week. How sweet is that? I'll tell you how sweet: sweet enough for your humble host to have already won a giant 2007 Indy 500 flag, thank you very much!
Set your calendars for the following:
Monday - Twitter
Wednesday - MySpace
Friday - Facebook
All contests are at 4pm EST. Be there. Aloha.
The Right Man For the Job
Well, my self-imposed sabbatical didn’t last very long. Under normal
circumstances, this would have been my next day to post anyway. I was
certainly not pl...
1 day ago
God Bless Mr. Hulman.