Welcome to St Pete where...it's wet. Very wet. With lots of wind. And lightning. And puddles so deep they might be harboring alligators. And while that might add an extra level of excitement for race fans in the comfort of their homes, it's a living nightmare for the IRL logistical staff as well as the drenched fans seeking cover in Florida.
When the powers that be figure out when this baby will be raced I'll be glad to tell you all about it. For now, well, the intrepid Curt Cavin just tweeted "There is NO CHANCE this race is held today. NONE!"
After the weather-related fiascoes to start the 2010 season, I wonder if Randy Bernard is starting to plan ways to have indoor races.
UPDATE: Looks like the race will be at 10am ET on ESPN2, which is 7am for those of us at or near the west cost. It's like breakfast at Wimbledon for IndyCar fans.
The Right Man For the Job
Well, my self-imposed sabbatical didn’t last very long. Under normal
circumstances, this would have been my next day to post anyway. I was
certainly not pl...
5 days ago
...and now 'til tomorrow
Well. I'm not going to be pleasant at school. Guess I'll try to hurry and finish that essay and sneak into the library.
Or just wait until it's OK to take my phone out in Criminal Justice to find out who won.
Why did they schedule this race to start at nearly 4 pm? ABC was wide open. They know that if the thunderstorms it is after the heat of the day. They know that the track in St. Pete doesn't drain at all.
They even knew that by scheduling it so late they would be up against Nascar, PGA and the Final 4 on other broadcast networks.
What a fine thanks to the sponsors that were already overpaying based on the number of viewers.
I think the sisters need to re-evaluate the benefits that this series is creating for the 500.
Okay. So am I the only person who heard Marty Reid say, "Sao Paulo, Brassiere?" I swear to god he said it. I even rewound to hear it again. Was he messing with us or showing support for Bob? I couldn't believe my ears!