Last night Curt Cavin had Brian Barnhart on his Trackside radio show, and the first question asked of the Gentle Hand of Tolerance (around the 1:08:00 mark) was about the three-wheeled excitement of Tony Kanaan.
“I think the more I thought about it and looked at it I guess the more it kinda bothered me. The more I thought about it, it was just blatant disregard for the commands and directions given on the race control frequency, and it’s probably not much different from a driver ignoring a black flag. It’s one thing to be in that position for (position) one, it’s another to be...even more important than that is the safety aspect of it.
"It really caused a lot of havoc on that last restart. It jeopardized our ability to do everything in our control to try and get a green flag finish, and the more we thought about it, the more I talked to some of the people, the more we looked at it, we just went back at it and said ‘You know what, we gotta kinda lay the law down and make sure people understand that when race control says something it’s to be followed', just in the interest of safety. So we’re gonna sit him for 30 minutes for tomorrow’s practice.”
Say what? Does anyone really think it's "laying the law down" to give Nariz a 30 minute timeout for a practice session on a circuit that Kanaan has never finished worse than third? Anyone? Even you, Anonymous?
I've said my piece so I'll hand it over to pressdog.
Note to backmarkers: drag your damaged car around the track during the yellow, preferably in front of Tony, and then feel free to ignore race control and take the green. But, at least props to the league for actually announcing the punishments. Some are punishments are double-secret, some punishments aren't, I guess.
UPDATE: After his 30-minute timeout Kanaan races to P3 on the Timing & Scoring of the first test session. Shocking, I know.
A fair punishment would be that Tony is allowed to practice and qualify, but he has to run a Toyota engine. Maybe he can get a leftover one from the Penske Team. >:^)
just a note--check out the practice times...
But did he have to stand in the corner for the entire 30 minutes?