Dear (your name here),Well that totally sucks. Not just because I won't get super glossy headshots of drivers looking like they're about to perform neurosurgery, not just because I'' miss doing the Snoopy Dance four times a year when the issues actually arrive, not just because I love reading 47 different articles by Jeff Olson, but because I NEVER GOT MY FREAKING INDYCAR SERIES LICENSE PLATE FRAME!!!
We regret to inform you that IndyCar Series magazine will cease publication with immediate effect. Unfortunately, the last print issue was the 2008 Season Review and the last digital-only issue was the Mid-Winter 2008 Special, published December 2008.
Haymarket Worldwide would like to thank you for being a loyal subscriber and supporting the magazine.
For a limited time, you can still enjoy all the IndyCar Series free digital back-issues available on the Digital Archive page of
As an IndyCar Series fan, we want to introduce you to RACER, our monthly print magazine packed with the same top quality stories and photography you've come to expect from IndyCar Series. With RACER, you'll still get the inside line on all your favorite IndyCar Series drivers and teams, plus the latest news and views from Formula 1, ALMS, NASCAR and much more. Simply visit to find out more information, or to subscribe.
And for the latest news, results and multi-media content from the IndyCar Series, visit, the official website of the IndyCar Series.
Once again, thank you. We value your continued support.
Emma Cecilio
Circulation Manager
I really should get over this. I mean, now they're illegal in Arizona, so even if I got one I don't know what I'd do with the thing. Play horseshoes, maybe?
(A free lifetime subscription to My Name Is IRL for the first comment that correctly identifies the drivers in this clip. And no, the guy pouring the milk over his head isn't one of them.)
Indeed the passing of Indycar Mag is sad but Racer is actually a pretty good read.
Dario, Helio, Sarah... Can I at least get a t-shirt? lol
the guy in the middle is hard to make out, but it looks like he's wearing a {Penske) suit
Sarah Fisher, Helio Castroneves, Sam Hornish, Junior, Marco Andretti, Danica Patrick,...
I miss the old Champcar magazine and OnTrack...
What the heck! It just occured to me I didn't get my license plate frame, neither! Hmph!
We also watched magazines like Sport Compact Car and Turbo get axed as well. Tough economic times and the internet are driving advertising dollars away from print media. This won't be the last automotive magazine to kick the bucket in the next year.
Great.... now where are we going to get our 4 month old Indycar news?
I was a subscriber. But then I figured I was paying for them to tell me just how super-awesome IndyCar was!!!! It's so SUPER AWESOME! It was like a subscription to Sunshine Up Your Ass quarterly.
Well, that was pretty crass, Dog. No need to follow you on Twitter.
I can handle the language dog... & I found it quite funny. I sub'd to the Champ Car magazine & I need to hit the RACER website to continue that publication rollin' my way.
Sadly, magazines & newspapers are going the way of the dinosaurs... I need to investigate a new lap top & small bathroom furniture @ IKEA!!! :) :)